

well i woke up this morning, and i have baby horses. very cool to see. I wasnt ready for it though. I have read that they are hard to keep. any help on things i can do.
a lil more info would be good....what kind of horses and such
do u have a nursery tank u can set up??? They will not survive in the "adult" tank or put them in a breeder tank and get bbs hatchin right away....if ur lfs stocks live pods and such I would grab some of them too
like I said any infor u can provide would help a lot!!!

good luck though, it is definately a difficult task


they are yellow kuda. If I go buy a small tank for them would it be ok. i would have to use the same water. any other ideas
get a sponge filter for the nursery tank......I would google raising yellow kuda fry and see what it comes up with....that is what I did when I got a suprise u have anything to feed them????
have u gathered them out of the main tank??? I would b/c they disapear quiclkly especially if there are other fish in there


i only have th pair of horses in the tank. they are swimming around. would i be able to use marine plankton or bio plankton until my fish store opens?


Congrats! Although I provide rotifers right from the start, your fry can safely go without food for up to 24 hrs.


thanks for the info. I kind of feel helpless for the little guys. because i wasnt ready. does any one know the survival rate. im going to go to the lfs store and get things i need so any other info will help, if not for this batch ill be ready for the next.


Active Member
WoW, congrats, i always figured you'd beable to tell beforehand if they were pregnant. How old are they?
If u just got them last night the fry were prolly delivered due to the stress...I have heard of that happening and experianced a "preterm delivery" when my male got ill. It was very sad....they were MUCH smaller than any of the previous fry he delivered.
But like I said earlier, good luck with them!!!!

Oh and PLEASE post pics ASAP!!!!!


so far everyone is doing great. amazing how the whole prosess is. thanks every one for your help. I will keep you all updated


if you decide to sell whenever they are ready please contact me!!!! congrats!