

shrimpy brains

So, about 4 months ago, I ordered some Caluerpa. Since my big tank still wasn't ready.I threw it in a 10g tank that used to hold fry.
I was no longer using it, but hadn't broken it down. The Caluerpa sat in there for about a 2 months without water changes. top offs or any attention. So, I got my big tank set up and started pulling the macro out of the 10g and found this little fellow. I couldn't believe it. SG was 1.030. I have since lowered the salinity, performed maintenence and many w/c's. Also, added some pods. He is also eating frozen cyclops and rotifers and waits for me to feed him like all my fish. Super awesome!
He is still doing great. I have often considered getting some, but was worried about their hardiness! I guess I am going to buy a couple more so he won't be alone. Woo-hoo!


Very cool! I used to have a Seahorse tank and had a couple of these critters. They are for sure fun to watch! Good for you!