Surprises in live rock

I got some live rock from the LFS monday, and it was full of surprises!I picked up one of the larger pieces and still in the bucket was a 3" ugly black shrimp. I am pretty sure that it is a mantid , by body structure. Could'nt tell you if he is a slasher or a basher. I added him to my aggressive tank. I had no where else to put him. He is not fairing to well with the triggers. but it is better that in my reef tank and all the small fish. :) That piece of rock had macro algae all over it and today a 2" feather duster openned up.
I am sure there are other people out there have had better luck than me. What is the wierdest thing you found in a fresh purchase of live rock ? Mine is the mantid.
I like aggressive fish, but not ones that bust a fish tank :p


I've had starfish, polyps, urchins, crabs(emerald), dusters, a small toadstool, and a baby open brain(only lasted 2 months). Getting lr was the most exciting thing when building my tank. I can't wait to get another just so I can order tons of lr. The weirdest hitcher I saw someone get was a small octopus.


Active Member
i recently got a turbo snail, and he's got a orange duster attached to him, really small though