
susan why does your home page say NH if your in calgary ca if in NH where could recommend good places for info!!! :)


You are difficult to understand. Typing really fast?
I'm from Calgary... Not Susan, I think.


typing way to slow. i'm new to this typing thing. i forget periods ect. if you read it sloooow you'll see the mistake if in nh, where. i could recommend good places for info! (that took me about 5 min) <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


What are you guys talking about?!
Do we have two Susan's on this forum?
I am Susan from Farmington, NH (I say Rochester because we border it and everyone around here knows where it is. Farmington isn't even a blip on the radar screen)
If my homepage is wrong, how do I fix it? I'd like to update it anyway.
Gator, I see you're from MA- Beverly? Where's that? Would you get into NH by going through Salem/Derry Rt 93, or Portsmouth Rt 95?
Yes, the store in Portsmouth is called Little Shop of Pets and it is good. It's got the largest selection of SW stuff, LR, corral, etc I've seen yet! It was there I got my DSB controversy going though.
Thank you, I'll lean toward what the masses say rather than one or two people at the LFS.
By the way, the Dover Agwas has the Southdown play sand you're looking for. They are about 40 min over the border going through Portsmouth (if you drive slow).


No, I'm the one from Beverly (unless gator is also). Beverly is on Cape Ann. Now that we've got that straight... ;)
My best friend and his wife life in Center Strafford, not far from Rochester, so I often drive past Portsmouth.


ok im from tyngsboro ma that borders lowell ma. nashua nh. theres one in salem nh. called sea world good sized but quality is just ok. big prices and wouldnt take there advice. also one in framingham ma. tropical isle pretty good. saugus ma. pj's pet land small but interesting. big on fresh water. PS i'm alway's smiling :D it's a hobby right!!!!! :rolleyes:


Hey Gator,
Is the Seaworld store in Salem the one that's in a little shopping plaza where it and a grocery store are on the left side as you come in and a hair salon on the right? This plaza is also on the main strip that goes to Rockingham Pk and the malls, but to get to the pet store, you have to travel from Derry, past the Rd to the malls, and it's up a ways on the left side? If so, I know the one you're talking about. I've not been there in many years, but then it was nice!
Let me know if that's the one! I


i think you got the one ! its about 3-4 lights past the little xmass tree shop but its on the right if your coming from derry. the inland reef is on the main drag. if going north, its on the left. the rock and crab is on 3a hudson near a dive shop. they have a 300gl reef absolutly gorgeous!! also have a 2000gl shark tank(very nice)would make a better reef though! not to much to buy but they will special order for you or call you if they get something you wanted. ;)


Hey Gator are you going to mike's wendsday, and why don't you tell all these nice people about Textile Aquarium. LOL ;)


That's so cool! I'm going down there this weekend or the next. I'll have to check it out!