So we're eatin sushi & slammin Saki bombs last night and i start talkin to the dude who runs the oyster bar. found out that when you eat oysters raw, they're still alive. that rules! so i ask him if they could survive in my reef tank and he gives us a couple of em to try it out with.
we pound more Saki, go home, and dump em in the tank. IMMEDIATELY these little feather-duster lookin things start poppin in and out of the oyster shells. there's like 40 of em on the outside of the shell. i've never seen, nor heard, of these things ever but it was a trip! then my scarlet cleaner shrimp starts goin crazy on em and eats up about half of em. i've never seen him attack anything live before but he went nuts!
anyone ever heard of these things?
we pound more Saki, go home, and dump em in the tank. IMMEDIATELY these little feather-duster lookin things start poppin in and out of the oyster shells. there's like 40 of em on the outside of the shell. i've never seen, nor heard, of these things ever but it was a trip! then my scarlet cleaner shrimp starts goin crazy on em and eats up about half of em. i've never seen him attack anything live before but he went nuts!
anyone ever heard of these things?