

Well-Known Member
When well say fish but its the same for any sw critter, has a large variance in salinity. Say 1.009 to 1.015. The animal needs to regulate how much salt is in its body according to the water. So if it jumps too high too fast it shocks the body and organs causing death. Its easier for a fish to go from higher to lower. More difficult to go low to high


Ok so should i keep my salinity low for future fish buying. Also should i corintine them first with some melafix to be safe


Well-Known Member
Qt yes only med if needed. You need the salinity of your tank to match what there in, in the bag. Look up drip acclamation


Active Member
I think you need to take flowers advice and get a book. Or two. I hate that you're wasting money and that your fish keep dying.

You don't lower your salinity, you just need to slowly get your fish acclimated to the new level of salinity of your tank vs the fish store.

Bryce E

Active Member
That's exactly what I was thinking Jay.. cause of your name s-dubb. lol. So yeah when you get back from work still post your water parameters. What you had said on how you cycled your tank def sounds no bueno to me. So it could totally be either one. I'd point my finger more in the direction of ammonia and nitrite (uncycled tank) though... Don't rule out disease and parasites either. if ALL of your fish are dying it's probably not due to poor acclimation. Proper acclimation is great practice but a hardy fish won't usually die from that unless the water temp, ph and salinity are all EXTREMELY different from each other.. And In my opinion it's rare to lose one for that cause. Let alone all of them. How many fish have you lost?. What kind of fish were they? And what symptoms did they exhibit prior to their death's? And most importantly what are all of your water parameters. Post that when you can please. A new tank may show 0 if you've never added anything to start the cycle...making you think it's safe if you don't know any better. But since you've added fish I'm sure that either you have gone through the cycle process already or you're not through it yet but there has been an introduction of waste in the system and we should see something on your test.


Ive lost clowns ,dottyback, blennies, green chromis, tang angel. My salinity is 1.024,1.025, ph 8.2 8.4 amonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 0. When. The amonia got high less than 0.25 i did a wc and add some prime

Bryce E

Active Member
o nitrate huh? hmm.. I can never make that happen no matter what I do. Especially on a new tank that's recently cycled.. I battle the heck outta that. So you did indeed go through the cycle process and watched all of them spike and then drop? (Ammonia then nitrite then nitrate) And had a diatom bloom? (brown algae looking stuff all over your tank) And after that the presence of green algae? Perhaps it is an acclimation thing. But I gotta say that just doesn't seem likely to me.. no offense to the other guys/girls @jay0705 @Kristin1234 ... not all your fish and def not a few of the types you listed. There's def something going on here though. was the tank brand new? or used? did you add anything else to your tank? medications of any kind? If it doesn't have a sump system you want to remove the glass tops. You could be suffocating your fish. Are they all breathing heavy and then just dying?


Well-Known Member
Thats what I mean. If the salinity is off by enough its the only thing it could be.Swdummie already stated she only temp acclimated. If she truely is at 1.024 and not off. Then 1.019-1.020 at the lfs could be too big of a jump. When I order fish they come in at 1.017!


Active Member
Thats what I mean. If the salinity is off by enough its the only thing it could be.Swdummie already stated she only temp acclimated. If she truely is at 1.024 and not off. Then 1.019-1.020 at the lfs could be too big of a jump. When I order fish they come in at 1.017!
I really don't see that killing every single fish I have never done anything but float the bag and I have never lost a fish due to an acclamation problem. I think they are being suffocated because of the top on the tank.


Well-Known Member
I know I keep beating the same drum. But if indeed her water is spot then the only thing she has stated to be wrong is acclamation. Using a hydrometer , which are known to often be off. In my case my refractometer said 1.030. My hydrometer 1.021. Actual salinity was threw the roof.


Well-Known Member
If he/she dumped the water from the bags into the tank, something could have been brought into the tank by the water from a hardier fish. That and osmotic shock along with next to no gas exchange. It might not be one thing or another. It could be a combination of a lot of things added together. The "perfect storm" so to speak.