Sweet Blue Millipora Acropora For Sale Palm Beach, FL. PU Welcome


Active Member
Nice Blue Millipora for sale. WUSIWUG
Aprox. 4"X3", it is a sweet piece..I have the one side of it and want to share the other.. I was thinking of fragging but wanted to offer it to some locals or someone that does not want to wait years to grow a piece like this.
Very mature and a fast grower super blue long polyps....
Local PU Sundays and Mondays
FedEx $65



what a nice piece...i will have to wait for my next purchase..my zoos are open, and the rics are doing great...thanks.


Active Member
Sorry I had to leave so soon James. PLEASE let me know if you still have this next week
I'd love to add that sweet milli to the 65g


Active Member
Still up for sale "nice colony".
Its a sweet piece, and it will be going on the WWW soon, just thought I would offer it to the SWF locals!!!!!!


Active Member

Originally Posted by CPG
what a nice piece...i will have to wait for my next purchase..my zoos are open, and the rics are doing great...thanks.
Yes it is an awesome piece!!!! Do you have any pics of the zoas and rics I sent you?????