Sweet Looking Coral - No Clue what it is


New Member
This has shown up on a piece of rubble rock I put in the tank about 9 months ago. The only additions since then have been a couple of snails and two peppermint shrimp, so I know it didnt come from them :)
It has slowly been growing, and is slightly larger than a dime now. Its in a 30 gallon biocube, with the PC lights.


Originally Posted by backMEup
This has shown up on a piece of rubble rock I put in the tank about 9 months ago. The only additions since then have been a couple of snails and two peppermint shrimp, so I know it didnt come from them :)
It has slowly been growing, and is slightly larger than a dime now. Its in a 30 gallon biocube, with the PC lights.

It looks like a toadstool to me. Someone here will know for sure. It is cool, though.


First time I've been stumped on a coral identification in quite some time. I'm just going to throw this out there, is it possible that this is a sponge, not a coral?


New Member
I dont think it is a sponge - the light brown "appendages" shrink entirely into the yellow portion when the lights go out or a crab/shrimp go by.


New Member
Well, if this thing takes off and starts to look like those, sweet find to me :) Although, I will probably have to start fragging/trading them off, since I dont think the rest of my inhabitants will enjoy a forest of Yellow Toadstools. Thanks for your help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by backMEup
Well, if this thing takes off and starts to look like those, sweet find to me :) Although, I will probably have to start fragging/trading them off, since I dont think the rest of my inhabitants will enjoy a forest of Yellow Toadstools. Thanks for your help!

You got time....the yellows are fairly slow growers.