Sweet Pics of my Fish


haha, the people at school don't make fun of me.lol, but i feel really nerdy when i talk about the lifestyles of my fish regarding science
with my science teacher
Love the fish by the way


Too many people make knock saltwater fish, but none of them have seen them. Therefore they don't know what they are missing!


Active Member
if only if only i could convert one of my friends to SW. hahaha
yeah i have a story thats pretty cool that i like to share with my Fish friends ( real people that is ) its kinda long tho...
i always talked about my tank/fish to just about all my friends at school. they got so sick of it they just learned to tune me out when i was talking b.c they knew something about SW fish was going to come up. i had one of my really good friends come over to the house b.c we planned to go ice blocking that night with some of out other friends. when we got back from ice blocking we found ourselves just sitting in front of the tank talking the night away. in my mind i was wondering... now, is she sitting and watching the fish just to be nice and not offend me, or does she actually like it. i told her and one of my other friends that they can leave if they want. then, to my astonishment, my friend; she turned to me and said... you know what Eric, actually this is very relaxing and i am enjoying this way too much... im sorry for all the trouble i give u at school when u talk about Sw stuff. but she did say that no matter how awesome it is, i still talk about it way too much.
anyways, thanks for all of your comments and thanks for sharing your experiences with friends and Sw fish... now its my turn to convert one of my friends.


Active Member
Hey nice looking tank and sweet lookin' fish! When I told my friends about my tank they thought a 125g was huge, so did my parents, but I'm like guys, you obviously haven't seen the tanks on the aggressive fish part of this forum.


Active Member
haha yeah. well our display is only 25 more gallons.
i hope some day i can afford a 400 gallon tank or so. cant imagine the evaporation on a tank that size.
thanks for the comments


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
Great pics...love the blonde naso

thanks joncat24 the naso is my favorite fish we have right now. it might change after we get the sohal and some kinda of trigger... ( we had a sargassum but passed away due due something stress related. don't know what it was, just died unexpectedly one day )
we are leaning on a Hawaiian black trigger or we might go with our original plan - a female blue jaw trigger...any recommendations? we need a more timid trigger that is less aggressive

reef noob

Originally Posted by azul1994
hey gnorman, kids make fun of me at school too, but i got one kid into saltwater and now he wants a nanocube

me to


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Nice tank healthy looking fish and crystal clear water
thanks for the comment hoping to get some more fish in it this weekend


Originally Posted by fish addict
You guys have it easy my family makes fun of me!

haha, mine do to. My mother jokingly asks me why i couldn't find a normal teenage hobby like drinking and partying
.lol. She was definalty joking! I laughed at that one forever. I think i may have got someone into saltwaterfish! haha, just happened today... i was talking to my sister that lives like 20 miles away and i was telling her about how i have to get rid of my damsel becuase he is to aggressive. She got on this site and started looking around at the fish and asked me if she could have my damsel! haha, i hope she goes through with it...it would be very cool to have converted someone

and again, your fish are beautiful GNorman
! I think the angelfish in the first set of pics is my favorite, do you have names for your fish?


Active Member
sadly... out of the 11 fish that we have only 2 of them have names...
my Diamond Goby is now known as "The Chiller" b.c he is freaken awesome, and just chills in the middle of the tank sometimes like hes living life as if he were a beach bum.
Orange Tail Fiji Puffer - his name is shylow b.c hes very shy and timid and stays in the lower part of the tank... my lil bro named him puff daddy as a nick-name
i want to find a sweet name for our Blond Naso but i havnt come across any yet

reef noob

if u have the $$ get a crosshatch trigger
the best fish store in my area has a beautiful 8 in. oner is a 220 display reef.


haha, thoes names are cool.lol, one of my friends named paul had me name my coral banded shrimp after him because he said they had the 'cool' quality in common. so that and my clown & blue hippo tang are named. haha, they have all been named for me come to think of it :thinking: I have a 5 year old brother that named the clown Nemo and the tang Dory, go figure right?


Active Member
haha yeah... my brother names our mated ( soon to be laying eggs in a few years so i hope ) percs Violet and Sabastion - from the movie shes the man... freaken funny movie might i add
i find it kinda comical that he wants to name the percs that. i could go with it.. still thinking about it... now that im writing and thinking about it i think i will go with violet and sabastion...
yeah, i like that


ya, that sounds great
, and it is a very funny movie. There has only been one name suggestion that i have turned down, and that was my little brother wanting to name my blue damsel Paper(that was back when he was 4 lol)! Good luck finding another trigger for your tank :)