SWF Call Of Duty 4 tournament?



I had an idea at work, it would take a whole lot of teamwork but we might could pull it off!!! I could get a huge list of people who were wanting to play on here, next saturday I would have the matches put on here. So everyone would play best out of 3, and post the winner on here. Then the next saturday the winners could play each other the same best out of 3 , and post the winners on here. It would take a few weeks, but i think it would be fun. If there was alot of cooperation i think we might could do it quicker, mabye 2 sets of matches each week?
Sound possible? Anyone interested. IF you are really interested post your that you are, adn your x-box live account. I will have some more info soon
if there is enough interest in it


Active Member
I am in :) I might have a bit of a unfair advantage as I helped build it

We going to do teams ?? I have a clan of upto 10 plus if needed so let us know..
Bahh I see it is for x-box... How about some pc matches ?


I've never played it on pc, Is it anygood? I think it would be cool to have a tournament with a bunch of fish nerds. HAHA, would be hard with only 3 people interested. My names UH Coogs5