SWF.com Live Rock!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to tell everyone that if they need to order live rock to definately order it off of this site. I got mine in today and it was unbelievable. All of the pieces were nice shapes and sizes. I have no complaints. Just thought I would let everyone know.


I can't post pic's until tomorrow night when my son brings back my camara! I got 6 pieces all together it was a 20-25lb package that i bought.The sizes vary. 2 fairly big ones, one slightly smaller, 2 small pieces and one somewhere inbetween the smaller ones and i guess you can call it medium.. I don't know how else to describe it. I can see greens, pink and reddish colors. I have a 40g but it is a corner HIGH tank so it would be difficult to put much more rock in unless i built upwards with them. They have really nice in intresting shapes and crevices.