swf.com members web page

I am very upset that i did not get a photo in the swf.com members web page. well how can i get 1 in there of the family.
who made it? so i will know who to talk to. I just want to feel part of the family.
lol... no hard feellings

sinner's girl

guess that answer my question I just posted on the other board.
does anyone know his email address???


Staff member
Please don't blast rye over "not" getting in" the photo album. He was good enough to put that piece together and it was not a small task, I'm sure. Not to mention that he's using his own webpage to put the pics up.
We have ALOT of members, and he can't put everyone's pic on. But you can certainly ask him to see if there's room for you.


Active Member
Thanks Beth. ;)
I have been working on it a little bit lately but, I have been very busy with my real life lately. :p Don't you worry........I will get you in there. :)