SWF.com nano tanks


does anyone have one of the tanks from swf?
is the filtration good enought? and are the lights good for corals?


Active Member
Not me, but they are jsut a congtainer more or less with a typcial clip on PC light and a hob Palm or Azoo filter. They will be sufficieint to keep shrooms or zoos etc in or nay other low light demanding corals. Fether dusters etc woul dbe fine sa they are not dependant on light. Nothing much to what they are, and IMHO buying a 2.5 gal glass or a 5 gal glass tank and a better light and an Aqua Clear mini-20 hob filter would be a better route by far to follow even if the cost was a few bucks more. The smaller acrylic tanks leave a lot to be desired. NOt the same acrylic as a true acrylic tank is made out of but more of a cleare styrene or similar plastic.At the lfs here a azoo / palm filter is like $8.95, a Deco Art 18 watt light goes for $19.00 and a 5 gal tank or 2.5 is somehwere arond the 8 to 12 dollar mark. You can get a AC mini-20 hob filter for about $20.


Active Member
I've got one, didnt get it form here but from my LFS....The filters are junk. good for circulation but nothing more, if you upgrade the filtration they work fine