SWF.com order


Ok I placed my order this morning, got an e-mail saying that they chrged my card, but did not get an e-mail stating that my order was shipped, does this mean that it wasnt shipped? I was hoping to get an e-mail like they state that they send e-mails when items shipp and did not get one, I hope they dont send my stuff tomorrow cause I wont be here since I am not taking a day off work not knowing if my stuff is shipped or not, anyone have this happen to them or know how they do things here?


You will probably get an email tomorrow telling you that you'll receive your order on Thursday.Thats been my experience.The first was just a confirmation.Enjoy.


You'll get an email in the evening stating it'll arrive the next morning. I once placed an order on Sunday, rec shipping notice Tuesday evening, pacjkage arrived Wednesday morning. Card was billed on Monday by the way. HTH


Active Member
Why don't you e-mail them and ask the status of your order? I have always found them to be very helpful.


You know Salwaterfish.com needs to get a phone number for us to contact them...doesnt it seem odd that they dont have it anywhere in the site?