SWF.COM Order!


For all you who are thinking about ordering from this website, I highly recommend it! I received my shipment of invertebrates today including:
1 Orange linkia starfish
2 Peppermint shrimp
3 Scarlet hermits
3 Fighting conchs
5 Nassarius snails
1 Mexican Turbo Snail
Everything came in perfect condition. I was really pleased with the way they were packaged. I followed the acclimation process to the "T" and now (several hours later) everything is swimming/crawling/sliming around just fine! I will definitely order from them again.


New Member
I'm new at this but is there any problem with adding that many animals at one time. I have thought about ordering from them, but I have been afraid to put that many citters in my tank at one time for fear of an ammonia spike. I think I had problems with that at one time and lost snails and several fish from it.


Active Member
If you were to add that many fish at once, then you would certainly have an ammonia spike. But adding that many inverts isn't a problem... they don't put much of a bioload on a tank. :)


Yeah, that was the impression i was under... inverts don't add much of a "load" to the tank like fish do. After acclimating over a dozen different inverts, and testing the water for several days afterwards, there was no measurable increase in ammonia. I would be very careful about adding more than a couple fish at a time though, but I'm not very experienced yet.


I'm very happy with their service also.
5 orders so far. Inverts always excelent shape!
Had a pronlem with DOA fish, but they were replaced on the next order. {prob because I'm in the coldest far NE corner of MN.}
I highly recomend swf.com