SWF.com Purchase


Active Member
Well I just ordered for the first time from SWF.com last week, and I have to say it was a good expierence, 1 fish and Anemone DOA, but they have a great guarantee and will make good on it,
Im planning on another order and would like to know how many red scarlet hermits would be good in my tank, 210 gallons?


Active Member
I've heard that you should have one snail or crab for every gallon of your tank, but scarlets are bigger than blue legs, so I'd say somewhere between 100-150, and put quite a few snails in there as well. Just curious, what kind of fish came DOA in your order.


Active Member
Thanks for the input , I have about 100 turbos in there now, and just added 5 trochus snails, to see how they do, I will be adding more, A yellow sabae anemone, and a blue reef Chromis were DOA, I ordered 6 Chromis ,5 made the trip, SWF.com states that they do not ship anemones in water I dont know why, but mine did not make it,


Active Member
:) I will also add the Kole tang I got from them was a real nice one,as well as a Neon Dottyback, and a red serpent star , WOW Real nice


Wow Plum...what type of anemone did you buy? oh never mind you said a seabae..I bought a yellow carpet from them and it was shipped in water! I have never seen anemones that were not shipped in water. I am sure they know what they are doing I just have never seen that. Will you post their reasoning behind this if you find out why!
I had great luck with everything I bought from SWF.Com Once I am ready to add more I will diffently buy from them again.


Question. Does that many snails and hermits put a big bio load on your tank?


Don't anemones crush themselves under their own weight when out of the water? like a whale?
Maybe not all of them, but my bubble tip was that way.


Active Member
I was already credited the replacement items, I told them to send them When I order the next time, they Wanted the dead items back so I followed the directions and mailed them back, I wrapped it up real good, that anemone Im sure was ripe when they got it,:eek: and I dont know why anemones are shipped in no water does anyone know? In there Email letter to me they state that they are not, anyway I hope someday that they will open a showroom so I can visit Im 20 minutes away from Deerfield Beach, be nice to meet some of the behind the scene people and see their operation:)