SWF.com ricordeas


has anyone bought some ricordeas from SWF.com
the green ones are only $8 so im wondering how big they are seeing as how at my LFS a 1 inch ricordea is $50


Active Member
I got a green one about a year ago and it was the size of a nickel, and has grown alot. I got an orange one from SWF about 9 months ago, it was about the size of a nickel too but it has split twice since I got it.


Active Member
I bought the rock that had between 3-5 on it (thats what the add said). When I recieved it, it had 9. Does that happen everytime, no, but that was awesome.


Active Member
The 50 buck rics from your LFS may be ric yumas. Nicely colored yumas can cost much more than ricordea floridas, such as the green ones here.


i thougth my lfs ric was a yuma but when i looked at other pics it was seriously a green ric and was about an inch wide
they had another rock of about 5-7 orange ones and it was $120!!!


Active Member
I got a couple green ones a while back, very nice sized and attached to a rock. Great deal for $7.99 a polyp.


What exactly do they mean by polyp? Is that a group of those little tiny bubbles? Silly question, I know, but I'm new at this! I;ve read to expect a piece about the size of a nickle. I have a 29g and want to start in corals... would it be better to get a few polyps? How quickly do they spread/grow?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
The 50 buck rics from your LFS may be ric yumas. Nicely colored yumas can cost much more than ricordea floridas, such as the green ones here.
Yuma's are pacific and cheaper than florida/haitian ricordia of the same color. Green Yuma (the cheapest of them all) is cheaper than green florida ric and colored haitian/florida is very expensive. Colored Yuma is still expensive but not nearly as expensive as orange or other colored florida.


New Member
I bought some of the green ricordia for 7.99 and they sent me 5 polyps I was expecting 1 but I'm not complaining and they are doing great this was about 3 months ago I've already fraged one off for a friend.


Originally Posted by suchbuy05
I bought some of the green ricordia for 7.99 and they sent me 5 polyps I was expecting 1 but I'm not complaining and they are doing great this was about 3 months ago I've already fraged one off for a friend.
i was wondering, with the fuel surcharge and the processing fee, that adds $20 to each order. I'm just starting out and have a 29g and wouldn't be able to order $79 worth to get free shipping. Is it worth ordering small amounts from swf - what's the benefit over buying locally? does anyone ever order together and share shipping costs? I'm in Burlington, VT... probably too cold to ship here now, anyway! Brrr... and 4 ft of snow!!


New Member
Originally Posted by mrsgoose
i was wondering, with the fuel surcharge and the processing fee, that adds $20 to each order. I'm just starting out and have a 29g and wouldn't be able to order $79 worth to get free shipping. Is it worth ordering small amounts from swf - what's the benefit over buying locally? does anyone ever order together and share shipping costs? I'm in Burlington, VT... probably too cold to ship here now, anyway! Brrr... and 4 ft of snow!!
actually I don't bievlieve they will place any orders unless you spend at least 79 dollars which then add 20 will put you at about 100 minumum for an order
I have about 5 saltwater friends in my area and when ever one of us wants to put in an order we always call eachother to see if anyone wants anything it really helps to cut the cost. but they will ship now even in the cold I just had a delivery come last week to northern michigan.


Active Member
I ordered three, received three.. color was good, not near as intense as pictured, but nice. They're growing, two were the size of a nickel and one was size of a quarter.


thanks, suchboy - I'll have to see if I can round up some others to order with. Related question - I know you can't add too many fish at once because of bioload, but is there a limit on how many corals etc. to add? IF I were to do a big order all for myself, could I even introduce all of that into my 29g at once?...


I purchased two green ones at once a while back. One was the size of a nickel but the other was in the process of splitting AND about an inch.
I just recently purchased an orange ric and it is probably the size of a quarter.


Originally Posted by mrsgoose
What exactly do they mean by polyp? Is that a group of those little tiny bubbles? Silly question, I know, but I'm new at this! I;ve read to expect a piece about the size of a nickle. I have a 29g and want to start in corals... would it be better to get a few polyps? How quickly do they spread/grow?

1 polyp is one whole mushroom. The little bubbles are attached to the mushroom. Here is a pick of the nickel sized mushroom that they sent me (it is now the size of a 50 cent piece!):


I got one and it was the size of a nickle.It seems to have doubled in size and looks like it may split anytime now.The color is more of a light flourescent green and peach.I'm happy.I've had it for 2 weeks.


Originally Posted by joebob7
has anyone bought some ricordeas from SWF.com
the green ones are only $8 so im wondering how big they are seeing as how at my LFS a 1 inch ricordea is $50
Man that LFS is a rip OFF for charging that much, I have every color possible just about and never paid that much!!