SWF is offering Chocolate Chip Starfish

Saltwaterfish Forums

Staff member

The Chocolate Chip Starfish, Protoreastor nodosus, also known as the Horned Starfish, features small horn-like projections from its appendages. It has a short and stout body with short and thick arms along with those knobs which resemble chocolate chips - its size and knobs make it almost impossible to swallow whole.
It is one of the most unique and popular starfish species we sell. The Chocolate Chip Star eats by excreting their stomach out onto their prey and retracting it back in. They will primarily eat an omnivorous diet consisting of dead plants, algae, sponges, and detritus. Like many other starfish, the Chocolate Chip Star is highly sensitive to water quality conditions and can never be exposed to open air. They should not be paired with predatory fish or with soft corals, tubeworms, and clams as they can eat them. This hardy starfish is an excellent addition to any tank given it is paired with the right tankmates and kept in a tank with plenty of sand, rock, and algae.
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