SWF is offering Elegance Coral: Green - Australia

Saltwaterfish Forums

Staff member

The Green Elegance Coral, Catalaphyllia jardinei, really lives up to its name. Its beautiful green color combined with the Elegance Coral's anemone-like appearance make for one of the most opulent looking coral out there.

Moreover, it is incredibly durable, disease resistant, and hardy. It has tentacles that flow freely in the water and prefers to be placed in areas with moderate to strong lighting, within the sandy substrate and with low to moderate water flow.

The Elegance Coral, however, is aggressive and these tentacles pack a stinging punch so we recommend you keep them away from other corals or inverts. Occasional supplemental feedings are beneficial as well. Overall, the Green Elegance Coral is one of the most striking corals available and will certainly make a statement in your tank.

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