SWF is offering Koran Angelfish

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The Koran Angelfish is also commonly known as Koran Angel, Blue Koran Angel, Semicircle Angel, Half-circle Angel. The juvenile Koran Angel fish has a bluish-black body blended with concentric semi-circles. Whereas in adult fish it exhibits brownish on the anterior and posterior third of the body, while the middle part of the body is greenish or yellowish along with abundance of spots on its sides. As the Koran Angelfish fish grows, the semicircles develop into sweeping lines for the Koran Angelfish to thrive well. Also, it is not advisable to keep adult Koran Angelfish in aquarium smaller than 100 gallon. The presences of a few live rocks are recommended to continue the normal grazing behavior in captivity. Juvenile Koran Angelfish fish is considered less risky for a reef aquarium but as they grow they intend to destroy or nip at stony corals with large polyps and eats clams, soft corals. It is aggressive towards other similar genus species, other angelfish, and its own species, therefore we suggest you to keep them singly or if you still want to keep it in group it is advisable to keep them in a large and cleverly decorated aquarium. The Koran Angelfish is an omnivore and feeds mainly on sponges, tunicates and algae. Also it eats corals, worms, crustaceans and mollusks. Apart from these feeding habits, additional meaty foods such as fresh, frozen shrimps, Mysis shrimps are beneficial for its continued health growth. The water quality should be excellent along with the temperature range of 71-77 degree Fahrenheit, and pH value between 8.1 to 8.4.
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