SWF is offering Orbiculate Batfish

Saltwaterfish Forums

Staff member

The Orbiculate Batfish, Platax orbicularis, is also known as the Round Batfish, Orbic Platax, or the Orbic Batfish. Their bodies change quite dramatically throughout their lifetime. As a juvenile it exhibits a silvery body with three vertical black lines down its body while as an adult it has a yellow/brown body. The Orbiculate Batfish will grow quickly, and can reach a maximum size of 20 inches, and should be kept in a taller tank no less than 180 gallons. They prefer ample open space to swim and a sandy substrate, with plenty of Live Rock. The Orbiculate Batfish will thrive in fish-only tanks, as they are known to eat small fish and Invertebrates, and will nip at Corals and Anemones. But they are peaceful in nature, and are great if kept individually, in pairs and can even be kept in a school, if they are provided with the proper space. Since they are a peaceful species, they should not be housed with aggressive fish, such as Triggers, Angelfish, and Lionfish. If given a large enough tank and the proper tank mates the Orbiculate Batfish can live for a long time and stay healthy. The Orbiculate Batfish is a hardy fish and should be fed a carnivorous diet that includes different types of meaty frozen and live food such as chopped up Sea Food, live or frozen Shrimp, and other meaty preparations. They are one of the most unique and fascinating fishes in the aquarium trade and are certainly a great centerpiece of a home aquarium. They will thrive in a temperature range of 72-78°F and a pH of 8.1-8.4.

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