SWF Liverock - Ordered...Now what?

aquarius 1

I just ordered the 25 lb. package of liverock from SWF.com but I have a few questions about it. Do I need to prepare the rock in anyway before I place it into my tank? I've heard of all this cured, precured, and uncured rock business but I still really don't know what it means. What category does the SWF rock fall into and what do I have to do when I get it?


Active Member
i purchased a 25 lb box a week ago fri and am in the process of curring it i reccomend you do the same curring means that you put it in a seperate tank and let all the stuff die off usually takes about two weeks i would not put it in the tank untill this is done or it could mess your water up vary badly and kill everything in the tank the tank i put it in to cure has had large ammonia and nitrate spikes hope this helps

aquarius 1

When I put the rock in the separate tank, or rubbermaid container for that matter, does this water have to be from my show tank or can it be freshly mixed water? What do I have to do as far as scrubbing, and rinsing and removing critters?
The rock is going in a 75 gallon f/o that has a niger trigger in there so I'll bet he'll take care of those pesty inverts. What is so bad about Mantis Shrimp and Bristle worms?


What is so bad about Mantis Shrimp and Bristle worms?
Worms are nothing compared to the almighty Mantis. I am quitting the hobby because of the #amn things. They eat fish in about 1 nanosecond,they can break your aquarium glass,they can rip open your thumb,their bite is as powerful as a .22,and they can't be seen unless you have bionic sight. Other than that they are just wonderful. I hate them!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:


Active Member
Mantis 1 JRein 0
sorry i couldnt resist. That sux you are quitting the hobby. take a .45 to your rock and teach him a lesson.;)


The .45 to the rock sounds like a great idea!:D
I took everything back,I was only set up for 3 weeks or so. Now I am going to start buying used stuff. The prices are much better.
I will cure my live rock in a rubbermaid container too. That way the pesky shrimp will die off before I put the rock in my tank.
My lfs owner did manage to rip the head off of one of the shrimps for me so the score is shrimp 1 JRein 1 :D