SWF pages sslooooowww to load?


Active Member
Maybe it's just me, but this seems to be the only site I'm having issues with. It is taking FFOOOOOOORRRREEEEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR to load pages. Anybody else having an issue like this. It is especially slow when I try to submit a reply.


Originally Posted by socal57che
Maybe it's just me, but this seems to be the only site I'm having issues with. It is taking FFOOOOOOORRRREEEEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR to load pages. Anybody else having an issue like this. It is especially slow when I try to submit a reply.
Sometimes. I thought it was just me too. Tonight I have had to close the page and try again repeatedly, then the pace picks back up again. This is the only site that it happens with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Sometimes. I thought it was just me too. Tonight I have had to close the page and try again repeatedly, then the pace picks back up again. This is the only site that it happens with.
Yeah, I keep closing my browser and restarting it expecting it to help. Sometimes it seems to, but that may just be coincidence. It took 2 minutes to quote you because the page loaded so slowly.
I hit reply already and am still typing .........blah, blah, blah


Active Member
I just had to go into Task Manager and 'end' IE b/c it was locking up my CPU. Only site I had open was SWF. Hope this is only a temp thing.


Active Member
This is the second thread that I've seen on this in a couple days... hmmm... maybe there is something to this. It is working just fine for me right now, but perhaps swf is having problems


Active Member
Same here ... at times it's been really slow. It might be the sight because it happens with my work computer also.


Active Member
i have noticed this site starting to bog down for some time now.
since the "upgrade", it has really become slow. dont know why.


Active Member
Wow, hehe. All of the Mods have talked about how much faster the site is after the upgrade.
There was an issue last night, however.


Active Member
its been timing out for me for the past few days also. just happend as a matter of fact less then 1 min ago.


Active Member
Yeah it happens to me all the time, once a half hour ago, I even have high speed and a network with another computer on it. The other comp is just fine. I will check other sites and they are fine. It is DEFINATLY this site.