SWF veterans...do you remember?


Active Member
Does anyone remember the guy on here....probably 4 or 5 years ago with the 550 gallon reef that he had in the wall in his office? Do you remember the 6.5 ft long bristle worm he pulled out of his plenum? I am looking for pictures from that guys tank and the bristleworm. Any help?


Active Member
steve weast had a crash because of tap water incident while his skimmer overflow. now he only have a cold water marine tank but he told me he might start one again. fyi it was 850 gallon tank.
under worm incident
I believe it was in his house and was above 500 gallons...
His tank crashed because his skimmer over flowed... and was draining the tank, while his auto top off didnt stop topping off... So all night the salinity got less and lessbecuase there was a constant stream of top off


Active Member
Thanks guys, thats exactly what I was looking for. That sucks that his tank crashed. I guess I was away from the sight for so long that I didn't really know anything that was going on.