

I am looking to buy my first order other than lr fron SWF. It looks like once I have chosen my critters I just proceed to the checkout. It looks like there are no other charges other than the FedEx $4.99 charge. Is that correct? I looked at other sites and there were hefty fees added to the purchase price. I would like to buy from here. can anyone confirm. thanks.

nm reef

Active Member
Thats right...select your package and if its over $75 then there is no shipping charge. Everytime I've ordered I just add the total of my selections and thats what I pay. Beats the heck out of the shipping charges other places add on to your bill!
Normally I assembly my order via the u-build-it section. Great stuff at a great price with zero shipping charges.:cool:


Unfortunately, there is that $75 minimum. I wouldn't have a problem paying the shipping to help support this site. It is usually cheaper to buy online (including shipping) than going to lfs. I would suggest that the owners of this site do a simple case study to determine if they are, in fact, losing business due to that $75 min order policy. I would be very suprised if that study came back and showed that they were NOT losing business.
Just my $.02.
For the record, I will HAPPILY pay for shipping for my order under $75 if swf.com will change its policy. (I am doing it now, only at other online sites.)


Active Member
I like the 75$ Free Shipping deal. I just get me and a friend to go in on something and get free shipping..
Shipping from Most other sites is 29-39 dollars.. I would rather make the diffrence up in more stuff than shipping..
Just me though...


I ordered something yesterday from a competitor, $35 worth of product, $5.95 for shipping. I am not sure where the $29-39 comes from, but I have never seen it. i truly think that swf.com should look into lowering their policies.
Of course, maybe I should just get a friend. How much do they cost? :D


For overnight shipping via FedEx, you can't beat that $4.99.
And as everyone knows, you will pay a lot for your fish anyway. It takes nothing to get to the $75 minimum.
Infalable, if you don't have a tang, then I recommend getting some of the shaving brush if you need help getting to minimum. Those add nice color to a new tank. Of course this is assuming you live where they can be shipped to you.


I guess I should clarify. I agree, that when buying fish/inverts, you can easily rack up $75. But what about when you are happy with all of your inhabitants and all you need at the time is a Ph test kit (or pick your dry goods item). What about the newbie that asks "where do I start" and everyone says buy a good book. That newbie can't just buy the good book that everyone recommended from this site because of the minimum. The point I am trying to make (obviously not very successfully) is that I would bet money that most people wouldn't mind spending a few bucks for shipping to support this site and buy the little items that are needed in between the big purchases. In my previous post, I mentioned that I bought $35 worth of stuff from a competitor. It was three different test kits that I needed, but couldn't buy from here. I wanted to support this site, but I couldn't because I didn't meet there minimum. Basic economics, a $35 sale is better than no sale. the guy/gal that works in the fulfillment center still gets paid whether he is boxing an order or reading the paper waiting for the next one to come in.


Thanks to all who responded. I was surprised at how the shipping added up at other places. I cant wait to make my first order.


[sheepish grin] Good Lord am I an idiot
The proceeding was a lightbulb going off in my head. I think I should have just left it in the sand this morning.