mine is nearly 2 years old, Our first star.
and we ahd a big power outage on Christmas, 3 days in subfreezing weather. It was the only survivor.
Just be very careful to acclimate slowly and do not let it touch air! take hours in the acclimation process, in fact drip method would be best.
Excellent advice. Once you make it through the ardous acclimation process, they are easy to keep. I don't target feed mine or anything. He is just a great detrivore I guess. I don't have clams, and I guess they can sometimes bother them.
I have always heard this.
If it can't touch air how do you get it from the bag or acclimation container into the tank without getting the dreeded LFS water in your tank? Can I assume after such a long drip acclimation the water in the bag is clean enough to get in your tank or is there a trick?
I do the drip method, and then when it is time, I pour of the majority of the water into a waste container, then transfer the star. THere is probably a fancier way of doing it, but that's what I do.
brittle stars can touch air, smooth skinned starfish should NOT
And, in the case of stars, I go ahead and put the last little bit of waster in wiht it. , submerge and dump the rest in, whihch at that time should be 98% your tank water.