swimming fish?


Right now I have a Puffer who swims constantly and a yellow tang who does the same.
My question is about my Powder blue tang,
At first he swam a lot in the tank and now I'm noticing that he is hiding behind a rock all day. He is smaller than the other tang but they never had a problem before.
Another question, Do any of your puffers just chill out and do nothing. Mine takes breaks through out the day and just chills.
Let me know!


I had PB tang before..
after well established he was a very active fish
that likes to swim alot.. mine never hide under the rock...
never stop moving


Thats the thing, he was a mover until about a week ago, now he is real shy and only moves from one rock to the other...The yellow tang is always out and never hides...But used to...maybe its just to small and scared of the others...its a small PB up against a large yellow tang...


Yea everything is in perfect order...
as far as levels..
Maybe he is just shy, I dont know...could be a bully problem, I dont know...How he grows out of it becasue i cant see him in the tank...Maybe its time for a new active fish, any suggestion so tadd to my puff- tang combo?

wet bar

How is the water movement in your 125? The PB Tang, to my experience, was always a fish that liked a lot of water movement. The best looking PB Tangs I ever had or saw, were in tanks that had well convceived PH arrangements and/or Sea Swirls...


Im guessing i have good movement...A center overflow with two jets coming out of that going to both sides of the tank..
Sometimes the YT gets right up into the flow and hangs out...But my PB still hides a lot..