Swimming Upside Down And Balance


What would make a fish swim upside down and loss his balance? plus most of the time stay right at the surface of the water touching his little lips at the surface. Can this be an ammonia problem??


Active Member
Give some details...
What kind of fish, how long you had it, tankmates, describe the system, ect.
Could be high ammonia but you can test for that, could be lack of oxygen, swim bladder disease, getting atacked, ect...


It was a medium size golen maroon clown. He was ordered from marinedepotlive.coms web site. He came to me doing just fine swimming and everything.... But the next morning he was staying at the surface of the water then as the day went on he began to swim upside down and would loss his balance. He was my only fish in the aquarium along with 2 camel back shrimp and 2 peppermint shrimp and alot of snails and a few hermit crabs. He only lasted me one day... I cant figure it out. I have 3 powerheads that are maxi jet 1200 each and a protein skimmer. When he arrived the bag was very warm and so was the cold pack... Dont know if this was the case or not. There is one peppermint shrimp that hangs around my anomene, and it kinda looked to me like the shrimp was always trying to be around my anomone and the new clown?? But then too I had a ammonia reading of 0.25... I have glycome and sometimes I cant make out the color from the test tube... But geez would that had killed him? It was not high. Anyway I did a water change taking 20 gallons out and putting my RO water back in to try and save him. My reading always was ammonia 0.25 PH 8.2 Rite 0 Rate 0 Temp 82 and saltinity 1.023 Can a person buy digital ammonia readers?????????????? I really need it to help me with reading the color chart... have no trouble with the others just ammonia. So what could have killed him so fast?????????? Can ammonia that low do it???


Active Member
You did not mention how and how long you acclimated the maroon for?
I have not seen a digital ammonia test yet but with todays technology sure there will be one one day.
How long has your tank been set up?
IMO...yes ammonia that low can do it. Especially with the added stress of the shipping the fish has just gone through.
Sorry for your loss.


Active Member
I think this is swim bladder disease, to which fish are more susceptible if stressed (as others have mentioned). Get your water quality under control, and that should help.
I used to have a similar problem with freshwater fish, and I recall reading that it could also be caused by impacted feces in the fish (i.e. constipation). In FRESHWATER fish, one treatment for this was to feed cooked peas for a while. I have no idea whether this is safe or effective for marine fish, but it might be worth checking.


Active Member
Sorry, I hadn't read your next post to see that the little guy didn't make it. Sorry to hear that!
How did you acclimate the fish?


Sorry I have been out all day and just got back. I did exactly what the instructions told me to. floated him in the bag for 20 minutes then I opened the bag and rolled about 1 inch down to form an air pocket added 1/4 cup of aquarium water every 10 minutes and kept doing this every 10 minutes until the bag was full... I then poured half of the water out of the bag and then reduced it to 1/4 cup of aquarium water every 5 minutes once the bag was full of water again I then netted him into my aquarium. Took well over 2 hours. He was so big and beautiful


Active Member
That acclimation procedure should have worked fine, though in the future you could consider the procedure they recommend on this site. It's probably a bit more effective, and it's actually easier. (See left.)
Sorry for your loss. Just how it goes sometimes.