Switch to all 250W MH in my 180?


I have not been able to keep any LPS or SPS corals however my anemone has done very well and split recently. I am thinking about removing the 150W DE MHs (2) and my PCs. Anyone have any good advice about the wisdom of this??


Surely you are not talking about putting 250W bulbs in your 150W fixture

If you are talking about buying a new fixture...I'd say go for it....


No, I currently have one SE 250W and two DE 150Ws but I want to take all of the other lighting out and end up with 3 250W with 20K bulbs. I could go with 400W on the new fixtures but I am concerned about the heat and power consumption.


Active Member
Three 250w would be golden for a tank that size. Are the corals not doing well just under the 150's or is it a tank-wide issue?


All of my soft corals do relatively well it is the lps' that I have had a problem with. I do really like them and hope the new lights will work better. Thanks for the help!