switching 55 fo to reef maybe


i currently have a 55gal with some live rock and has been set up for two years. i want to add alittle more color and life to it and thinking about slowly moving into some reef stuff mostly just mushrooms, polyps, and maybe a few soft corals trying to stick wit hthe easier to maintain corals. im looking for lighting option and i was wondering if 4 55watt pc or 2 96 watt pc lights would be a good option? im also of thinking about going with 440w of vho lights. im also about to add about a 15gal diy sump to my tank as soon as this semester is over. im just looking for any opinions on lighting and corals to start adn any special care for them to be sure i know what im getting myself into. thanks for any help


Active Member
The pcs or vhos would be enough to keep soft corals. Do alot of research about taking care of corals. You have to keep your calcium and alkalinity levels good. Just ask alot of questions.


think im leaning towards the 440w of vho just 20$ more and about twice the wattage. will this light also be enough for maybe brain or hammer coral later one. i was looking into some corals what are some good ones to start with?