Switching Back to CC


so, sounds like the DSB I have (about 1/4 CC & the remainder sand) is probably NOT good.
my question would be:
is it worth it for me to try and sift out as much CC as I can & disturb the bed (it's pretty deep.. about 4")
i'd hate to break down the LR & move my corals to buckets in order to do this, but it'll probably make a frightful mess...
how do you guys go about this? or should I not even bother?


it seems like when you get into this subject ...there is alot of people who come outta the wood work...by that i mean names u havent really saw on this site all that often...i personally have cc but bought live sand and now im really considering whether or not to use it.:thinking: :nervous:


I like the fact that CC can get covered with coralline. Wouldn't that be considered a benefical aspect? Just as DSB has the ability to transform waste products. This is such a tough question, I'll stick with what I have now, but who knows what I'll decide on for my next tank? Good luck with what everyones got, I hope everyone is successful in their reef-keeping:joy:


I don't think that having the crushed coral covered in coralline algea would be a good thing, in fact it could be a death sentence.
If in an extream case the entire substrate were covered in coralline algea then it would block any water from the substrate itself causing an anoxic area in the tank and if that were ever to be broken into it could (opinion only here) cause a tank crash.