Switching from cc to ls...NEED ADVICE!


I'm going to change from cc to ls soon. I have a 37 gal cube tank that has been up and running for about 2.5 months now. It is completely cycled, and I have started to ad some critters to it. I have about 40 lbs of live rock in the tank. Should I spend the money on live sand, or could I use dead sand? or should I use a 50/50 mix ls/ds?


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
You don't even need 50/50. Can go 90/10 and the ls will seed it.
EB you find out the best sand to do this with? lfs has that sand for $5 a lb, and for a 12x12x4" dsb i need ~25lbs. that's way too much.


Active Member
if you can buy bag of sand and just buy like 1 lbs of live sand. the 1lbs will seet the other sand just fine


Cool. Looks like I won't have to spend much then.

I am also wondering what the best way to detatch my anemone from his current rock with out hurting him. When I make the ls switch, I want to rearrange all of my lr.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefrunner
Cool. Looks like I won't have to spend much then.

I am also wondering what the best way to detatch my anemone from his current rock with out hurting him. When I make the ls switch, I want to rearrange all of my lr.
easier just to keep it on the LR. it will move if you dont like where you put it. just keep that piece in your tank.