switching from cc to ls


can someone tell me the best way to switch from cc to ls,right now i have ugf and also using a AQUA-TECH 30-60 power filter,in a 55 gal tank,not really having any trouble except for some reason i cant keep snails or my crabs alive,fish and LR are doing great I switched from a tropical tank to the marina 1 year ago,& like i said havent lost a fish yet i have only had the LR about 6 months but it is doing good to so why cant i keep snails and crabs any help for me <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


forgot to say i use tap water,can that be why i have trouble with snails and crabs,and also the hood on my 55 gal tank uses to bulbs 18 inches i am using the ACTINIC 03 blue it says it has a 360 output is this good enough lighting for LR and inverts corals and such,because i would like to add some corals and anemons have had anemons before they do good for awhile then die.
actinic lighting is just a supplemental light to add with the regular "day" lights. you need much more light then that to keep corals alive, especially anemones! up the lighting before adding ANY coral to your tank. as for the snails and hermits, did you add any meds to the tank when it was freshwater? the silicon in the seams of the tank will absorb them and leach them out in the water slowly. may not be enough to kill the fish, but, enough to kill corals and snails and hermits.


I am almost done doing the same thing.
I did half at first then 1/4 have about 1/4 left to do.DO NOT do it all at the same time.To much of your beneficial bacteria will be lost.
Also if at all possible put some of your CC in a pantyhose foot and keep in the tank for a week after you place the sand in helps "seed" the sand.
As for your snails and crabs what kind are they?
Were there any hitchhikers on the LR? aka Pistol shrimp/Mantis shrimp?
Have you tested your water for Nitrates lately?


Yes i have tested all my nitrates every thing is ok,and no i didnt use any med in my tank when it was freshwater,i always set up another tank for that kind of stuff,but i think i might have found my promblem in everything i have read it says the crabs and snails can;t stand high temp they need 71 temp and mine is usually at 75to 79,so i think that might be my promblem,But i do have another ? is there any 18 inch bulbs that will give me enough light or do i need to change my hood to something bigger.and thank both of you for your advice.


Interestingly enough,I had the same problem with snails and crabs when I had CC. The snails kept dieing and the water was fine. After I switched to LS all the snails I added did just fine and are still alive. In my opinion I think it has something to do with them not being able to move on the CC like the can on finer LS, but that is a shart in the dark. As for the crabs, I haven't been able to explain that yet. As for the temp, my tank is at 78 and the crabs and snails are doing better then ever.
Oh another thing, the tap water could contain copper, especially if the house is older and has copper piping. This would explain the death of the inverts.


thanks for the info i was thinking the sam thing about them not being able to move on the cc,i ran a test on my water for copper it didnt show any dont have copper piping.wonder if i could put ls on top of my cc instead of having to do the whole thing,or maybe move the cc to one side of the tank and on the other put ls,do you think that would be ok? any input would be helpful,thanks