switching tanks over


ive looked for some threads and some are helpfull but i need to switch tanks.
what is the best way. was going to
put fish in buckets
transfer water to new tank
transfer live rock and sand to new tank and add more sand
transfer all filter/media to new tank
add more water (LFS reef water from their tank) tests out good
run filters on high and get tank cleared out as soon as it can
test water paremeters and add fish
not going to clean anything to keep as much bacteria as possible
will probably be putting new tank in old tanks spot
is this a bad plan am i going to freak out my fish to much any better plans out there
if its a good plan how long can 5 small fish and some inverts be in buckets what kind of time frame am i gonna be held to.
Any help is appreciated
Thanks all


Active Member
the stirring up of your sand bed will be your biggest problem as it will release n's like mad. your lr, fish and all should do quite fine with proper lighting, circulation and the same water. if you have an extra tank i'd personally run them in that without a sandbed until your sand tank does a mini-cycle. be careful about your water additions as your fish are already under stress. i'd not do it like normal unless your water parameters get too crazy. do about half what you'd do regularly. maybe less.


Active Member
All good points. I think it's easier to place your rock before you add your water. The LR will be fine while you're aquascaping.
Good Luck!