switching tanks


my community tank is bigger then my agresive tank so im going to switch tanks I have a violitan lion a bursa trigger snow flake eal and a fake titan trigger i realy dont know what it is maybe a pinaple trigger the triggers are about 4 nches lion about 8 eal 10 im putting them in 180 .putting fish from 180 into a125 there are two many fish to list ther mostley all dwarfs lots of crabs feather dusters anemones not a reef but close to one. question is i have 100 pounds of rock in 180 do agressive fish need so much rock work and will i mess up biological if i take out about 50 pounds of rock tanks running for 1 year.should i do this switch all at once i think i have to because lion will proberly eat small fish even if its only a couple of hours;. :cheer:


Active Member
What other biological filtration do you have for the aggressive fish beyond the 100lbs of LR?
If nothing, then the LR and biologicals have reached an equalibrium. If too much of the rock is removed and the same number of fish remain then it will overload the system. The remaining rock will catch up in time but you might have a mini cycle in the mean time.
If it were me I'd slowly transfer rock a little at a time until I reached the point where I was happy with the amount of rock in each tank. Next I would try to match as close as possible the water paramters between the two tanks. When I kept aggressive and reef they salinity differed by as much as 1.019 to 1.025. Since you have inverts you're moving you may need to slowly raise the salinity of your aggressive tank if you're keeping it lower.
Sounds like you have quite the project. Good Luck with it and let us know if you learn anything during the process.