switching tanks


ok lets say i have a 20 gallon tank and i go buy a 46 gallon tank. what do u do to to switch them? do i just take all the stuff out and put it in the new tank? will it have to cycle again?


Active Member
its going to be very hard. if i was u i would start over and buy new sand and add new water. then do water changes from your 20gal into the 46gal. that will help speed it up. or u can buy a small 5 gal and but some of the rocks and fish and corals then move the sand into the 46 gal but u would still have to buy more sand. then just add the water from the 20gal, also add a lot more rocks then top it off with more water. then i would wait a week or so, then but everything in the tank.


so just take everything that i have in the smaller tank and put it in the bugger tank and the just all more?


Active Member
First, take all the rock out of the existing tank and put it in a bucket or two and take tank water and fill the buckets... then scoop all the sand into the new tank and add more NEW sand ... then put plates over the sand and add some water back in out of one of the buckets and then add the rock out of one bucket... then add the rock out of the other bucket and slowly pour the rest of the water in... Add NEW already cured and established rock from the LFS. Top off the water with salt water and let everything settle. If the new rock you buy is cured and established, you'll more than likely have no cycle.
It's not hard, don't let that guy scare you. I've transferred and moved tanks many times. Just take your time, but don't be too slow as you don't want rock sitting out of water very long.


I had a very similar question myself and read up on this, I went from a 30 to a 75 and took all the steps stated and it went off without a hitch and a huge sucess. Thanks for the help you gave to someone else. I was afraid to try this and was going to let the big tank cycle but with a baby due in the next couple of weeks, I saw this and gave it a shot..............WHEW!!