This is actually a big project. First, find some agronate play sand (ie Southdown from HD. Do a search here on SOuthdown).
Rinse it very well in a bucket with water running in it. once you think it clean enough, rinse it again. Removal of cc is a bit of a pain.
Remove about 50% of your tank water and save it in a container of some sort. I would put you fish in here to save on stress.
Remove CC by scooping out or sucking out with a gravel cleaner. You will want to put a few lbs in a nylon pantty hose footing and tie off. Do this a few times to save bacteria.
Now to get sand in. Several ways.
3" PVC and a funnel at the top. This way you place it where ever you want it.
Put some clean sand in a new garbage bag, set bag in tank, slice bottom of bag with knife and let sand out.
OR just dump it in (not advisable).
At any point you can add LS to this. IT will sead the dead sand anyway you do it. I just mixed mine in all at once.
At this point you can change some of the dirty water in the tank. Replace water and fish form container.
It will be cloudy for a little while, but everything should survive. Keep skimmer and filters on. You will need to replace filter media ofter to get water clear.
PLace panty hose in tank on sand. Remove them 1 at a time watching water levels. This will aid in filtration while the sand seads.
Mine took 2 weeks to be crystal clear with a clarkii clown constantly digging in it.