switching to dsb

I want to switch my cc over to sand. I can get the "tropical play sand" from HomeDepot but I am not sure how much to buy. I have a 55 gallon tank. How deep should I make the sand bed? The next question is how am I going to switch the tank over? Is it easier to take everything out or just take the cc out and pour the sand around everything. I want to do everything right the first time even if it means extra work. I should have read this board a long time ago before I put in the cc. Thank you so much for any advice.


Active Member
How old is the tank? What are you current nitrate reading? If you are set on doing it, then a 4" DSB is the norm. Use play sand, you know what kind, for the base and then seed it with live sand. If the cc is older, you can get the critters out using a nylon stocking - put the cc in the nylon so they can crawl out before completly removing it. I know a lot of folks are doing this, and I could go back in time a few years I would use a DSB. But if it running fine now, why switch? just my .02
Thanks for your info. All the levels in my tank are perfect. This cc is about 3 years old. I resently switched from a 20 gallon long tank to the 55 I have now. I have over 50 lbs of live rock, gold bar maroon clown, 1 tomato clown, 2 types of blue damsels, 1 yellow tang, 1 scooter blenny, 1 nudibranch, zenia, mushrooms, several feather dusters that have grown off of my live rock, 1 african yellow anemonie, and 2 hiatian anemonies.


Active Member
Ok then, I wouldn't do it personally.. and I haven't. I don't want to risk screwing the tank. If everything is runny peachy then this is just work for you ( and $$$ ) and stress on the critters. As long as you are following a good husbandry routine with water changes I wouldn't do it. Maybe someone else can change you mind to do it, but I wouldn't. once again my.02
" if it ain't broke " -

nm reef

Active Member
If you are serious about switching from cc to a dsb I'd suggest doing it all at once and getting done with it......some folks do it a little at a time.....but personally I'd plan for a major undertaking and get it over with....
First I'd remove the critters and coral to a container large enough to keep them at least 24 hours(with minimal light/heater/circulation)add the water removed from the tank....also remove as much of the LR as possible to another container...after the tank was nearly empty I'd remove the old cc(place it in a stocking to allow fauna to escape)...then I'd add the new sand to the depth desired(DSB=desired depthx.0579xlengthxwidth)...you'll probably have cloudy water...let it settle....then return the rock/water......return the critters/water.......may still be somewhat cloudy......but it will settle.........can be a major project...but with planning and patience it will be a major improvement over cc..........when I initially removed my cc to build a DSB I used 3 different mechanical filters to assist in removeing the particles from the water.........it helped the cloudy mess settle quicker....bottom line if you are going to make the change...research/make aplan/go for it....personally I am extremely happy with the over all improvement from cc to DSB


I switched from CC to a 4 1/2" DSB. Did it all at once, and couldn't be happier.
I think it looks better and according to popular oppinion will provide for a more diverse fauna population. Ammonia spike was minimal due to a large amount of live rock.
Don't get me wrong. I used CC as a substrate for years but only in FO situations where nitrate levels weren't critical. If Your happy with CC go ahead and stick with it. Just keep an eagle eye on your nitrates.
I'd say in the end if You have the DSB bug You will go with sand. Do it all at once and be done with it.


Active Member
The sand comes in 50lb bags and I needed a little over 200 lbs( about 4 1/2 bags) to get to a 4 inch DSB in my 125g. Since each bag is very affordable, I would buy 3 bags to be on the safe side and build to 4 inches.
I just completed it 1 1/2 weeks ago and it looks great as well as lowered the nitrates considerably. Did not lose one precious fish !!
WOuld suggest you look for my post dated nov. 29,'01 entitled"changing cc to l/s in 125g". Review JWT's response dated 11-3-01. The most thourough response I've seen and it works!! I did it in one day. You should take less w/ a 55. I still have 2 55's to convert in the future. I'd go for it . Good luck.