switching to sand and RO water


I have a few questions... I am switching my 90 gal over to sand, and a good portion of the water to RO water. I kept the LR in buckets and rubbermaids in water... i forgot to put a heater in some of them will this kill the the bacteria that is used for filtration in them? Also after i re-ad the LR and the sand and fill it up with the RO and get it all balanced out will it go through a mini cycle? or for that matter an entire brand new cycle? thanks for your help.


Depending on the water temp in the buckets you are going to get some die off. Yes, you are going to start a new cycle, the extent depends. If you leave a little of the old stuff on the bottom and then adding the sand will help.


That's cool but if you don't like the looks of the other stuff it will eventually resurface with cleaning and sifters.