Swollen dorsal, whitish lump on Tang


I reluctantly got a Pallette Blue tang (my daughter really liked it) and of course, as soon as I transferred it from QT to DT, it's sick and I'm not tearing down the tank to get at it. I bought a neon gobie as a companion to this one, but it doesn;t seem interested in pecking at whatever is on the Tang now.
Specifically: a small portion of the dorsal fin is very swollen - looks like a goose egg, and near the base of the tail fin there is a white, clumpy-looking growth. This is one I've never seen... a virus? Lympho-somthing? It's eating and breathing just fine so I'm at a loss as to what to do, if anything. help please...


Active Member
What are you feeding the fish? Are you using garlic and vitamins?
What is your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, and temp?
Without seeing it, and without knowing exactly what it is, a good diet and good water quality is the first thng you want to ensure. If either of those things are off and are not fixed, the fish is most likely not going to recover.


water parameters are all excellent, I usually feed frozen shrimp & spirulina on a clip once a day, and have an auto-feeder feeding flake at intervals. I bought this Formula Two frozen mix b/c it had garlic/vitamins, with "gel binder". problem is, I've chopped it up to make it edible for little mouths, but the stuff sinks right tot the bottom, and the fish don;t touch it after that - it's great for the hermits though!


Active Member
Well, are you sure the water parameters are excellent? These types of things are usually caused by one water parameter that is a bit off.


I'll run the barrage again tonight to double check, last chemical tests were sunday, but the temp is 78*, SG - 1.023, ph was 8.0 this morning.