syhpone overflow breaking?


New Member
I have a cpr 1600gph overflow and was wondering how you keep the air out of it. I suck the air out of it through the tubing and then about 30 min later the syphone will break. I can see the little bubbles building in the overflow. I have heard that you can attach the tubing from the overflow to a power head so that there is continues sucking of the air out. My question is do you have to dedicate a powerhead for this and also how many gph should the power head be to accomplish this job? Thanks


Active Member
You may also look at your return gph to the tank...I have 3 different overflows and they all suck the air straight through.

joey d

How many gph is your return pump rated for... you may not have enough flow to keep the syphon .......


I have the same problem on my overflow (to a wet/dry) and it just started recently. I am not sure why since I havent touched anything. I dont see anywhere I can change the rate of flow other than by opening or closing the valves and they are open.


CPR sells a flawed product. You will need to attach a PH to the little hose that is attached to the CPR overflow. What this does is provide constant suction to pull out the air bubbles that are breaking your syphon. all CPR overflows have this flaw and their website fully explains the use of the PH to correct it. why they don't sell you the PH you need to make their overflow work properly in the first place is beyond me.
If you have the $$$ switch out the CPR overflow now for a Life reef. You will never regret the extra $$$ you spent on the life reef but you will regret using the CPR in the near future when you end up with a flood.