synthetic salts


does anyone know if Reef Crystals from Kent are any better than Instant Ocean or salt from Coralife? i know that the Reef Crystals are supposed to have added trace elements, minerals, etc., but do you really need them if you already add the trace elements on a weekly basis? i have used both Instant Ocean and Coralife salts interchangeably without any adverse effects. i was just wondering if anyone thought the extra money was worth it for the Reef Crystals....


Active Member
I believe Reef Crystals and Instant Ocean are both made by Aquarium Systems.
I have used both and really didnt see any difference.
I asked the same question a while back and some said Reef Crystals contains higher phosphates


Active Member
I too have tried Reef Crystals, but only for a couple a water changes. Don't think I gave it enough time really.
I just use Instant Ocean on all tanks, and that seems to be fine.
Guess we could test a batch of each salt mix at equal specific gravity / temperature, and see if the -- really does have more trace elements than the IO.
I could do Phosphates, Calcium, Alkalinity and Iodine ( not too good results though ).
Anyone willing to test for the other trace elements ???
Put this question to rest once and for all


Staff member
I know that both test postive for phosphates, thus I try not to use either. I am using Red Sea which does not test for phosphates using my test kit. Also, I think Red Sea has improved in dissolvability over the past yr, compared to when I first used it.


Staff member
Generically you can ask that question on this BB. I buy mine at the LFS or online. However, due to the policies of this BB, we are not allowed to post info or links specifically about other stores.
I do not use IO or --.
I use a salt mix called Crystal Sea made my Marine Enterprises International.
I get it from a friend who sets up and maintains marine aquariums for businesses.
It says on the side that it contains no nitrates or phosphates.
My nitrate are 0 but my phosphates are around .1 but I believe it comes from the water because even my fresh water tank has a low phosphate level.


Staff member
Easy enough to test.
Test your water before the salt mix. If you get a reading then you know your water source has phosphates. Then test your water just after you mix a fresh batch of sea water. If the water has more phosphate than when you tested the fresh water, then your sea salt has phosphate too.
Likewise, if your source water did not register phosphate but your mixed water does...then you know the answer.
Basically, all the sea salt mixes purport not to have phosphates, but most do anyway. Phosphates, in a planted aquarium is food for macroalgae, thus, it is not necessarily a bad thing in equilized quanities. However, without a a natural predator eating the algae, particualarly green algae, phosphates can cause unsightly hair algae growth fast.
Its all checks and balances. Part of the fun of keeping an aquarium.


I have used both Kent and Instant Ocean. Instand Ocean, after a little while, does not mix right and leaves this whitish residue in the barrel I mix it in, when It try to net it out it dissapates. Otherwise everything else tests fine. Bizarre I say! Kent doesnt do that!