T-5 growth comparison at 6 months


Active Member
well thats all i have for comparison purposes, i hope you guys liked it and it answers some questions for you!


Active Member
well the meat coral expand and contracts alot and im still not sure how much actual skeletal growth there has been. it seems to be happy tho. it ate a half a silverside the other day, and im gonna start feeding em once a week.


Active Member
Can you give me some info on the orange monti cap? Would 480watts total of T5 lighting be enough to keep one? Are they easy to keep? Also whats it like having a copperband butterfly in a reef? Any problems? Any tips on keeping one with coral?


Active Member
hey kevin - orange monti is like the beginners SPS coral, lower light needing than acros for example, they just need adequate flow to blow off detritus that settles on them. in my tank i am still working on my flow so occasionally i blast off detritus with a turkey baster. other than that, just keep your alk an calc up. i am running T-5s as you know from my upgrade thread :p
that CBBF is unfortunately gone. it was great when i had him, with no problems at all, super curious awesome personality, but i had to catch all of my fish when i was treating for ick. he didnt survive. i am getting another one soon tho.


Active Member
Thanks for the info. So if I got an orange monti cap would it be bad to place it right in front of a powerhead? Would that be too much flow? Sorry to hear about the copperband. Let me know how the new one does once you get it.


Active Member
salt, can i ask, how many t-5s you have, and on what size tank. I am having problems with mine, and have lost a lot. I have 10x39 wtt 10,000 and 6x39wtt actinic. I have softies only, Have lost a lrg leather, lots of zoos and shrooms. They are turning white and disappearing. I have taken to only tuning lights on 3 or 4 hrs, which i know isnt good. I am thinking of switching out 2 of the 10,000 for more actinic, and maybe two more to a 50/50.
any help would be appreciated. could you suggest what bulbs i should use.
PS these are on a 150. about 8 inch above water.


Active Member
here is the light set up:
Aquactinics Constellation 72" unit (14 x 39W T5)
over my 150g
from the geek of the reef:
2 x 39W 6500K T5 HO Fluorescent by GE
2 x 39W Actinic Plus T5 HO Fluorescent (104036) by Giesemann
4 x 39W 12000K Aquablue Special T5 HO Fluorescent (104976) by ATI
4 x 39W Blue Plus T5 HO Fluorescent (104980) by ATI
2 x 39W 10000K AquaSun T5 HO Fluorescent (104992) by UV Lighting
switch 1 : B+, B+ and Act+
switch 2 : 12k and 12k
switch 3 : 10k and 6500k
8.30am actinics on
9am 12k's on
10am 10/6.5 on
4pm 10/6.5 off
7pm 12k's off
9.15pm actinics off