T-5 K rating issue


Active Member
I have the Nova Ex. Pro 6 bulb T-5 on my 72 bow..... It is getting close to the time to change out the bulbs.....
I am doing it two at a time... First I would like to replace two of there very white looking 10 k's with a couple with a bit higher K rating. I remember a while back seeing someone's tank with 12 k's that looked real good color wise, but I can't remember that bulb brand.......... Or should I maybe go to a couple of 14 k bulbs for a bluer look..........
Speed of Coral growth at this time is not an issue, if anything I am way too overgrown in the tank now. It is constant coral warfare, with them nuking each other............
The only other thought would be in the future maybe a few more SPS, and less "nukers".... I am not sure of the growth factors with SPS's with the higher K ratings either as to them effecting growth....... Thanks................... Warren


Active Member
are you running actinics as well? reef raff is a T5 master btw. hopefully he can chime in.
what bulbs are you running now? 2 switches?


Active Member
Yes 2 swithches and I am running three 54 watt 360 nanometers WL and my three 10k whites......... Thanks


Active Member
if you have them on timers, with actinics first on , last off, you will want to switch those out first. the bulbs last about 4000 hours i beleive on average.
the nice thing about T5 is that you can get a variety of the plusses of different bulbs with combinations. like 2 different types of actinics, and a mix of 10ks, 12 ks , for example.