T-5 outperform 400 watts MH? You be the judge.


Active Member
I am the proud owner of T5 lighting system here in the UK and I can simply say they are outstanding. Very practical and a little cheaper too!

bang guy


Originally posted by Mr. Angelfish
We need lumen information on 10000K and blue to compare. This information is 6500K and less.
Your comment?

My only comment is that Lumens are the single most useless piece of information on reef lighting to compare bulbs with.
We need to stick with PAR when comparing aquarium lighting.


Active Member
First off I agree with Bang Guy, Second I am one of the few Yanks who have T5 lighting that I know. It was over my 29g Reef tank. I liked it, but would have prefered MH. Just my .02. The best thing about T5 IMO really easy for the do it yourselfer, and cheap.