T 5 question

I have a 90 gal and a 29 gal. I have t 5 lights (2 -actinic and 2- 10,000K on the 29gal the tank is 30 " but I could only get the light fixture in 24" ( Nova extreme) would that be enough light for corals and one clam cause I'm thinking of putting the few corals I have in the 29 and put my voliton lion in my 90 so he has more room to swim. and if its not enough lighting could i take out the actinics and put in 2 more of the 10,000K that have the reflector built in the bulb so it would be 4 10,000 K 's and then get a single strip light for another actinic. and it has moon lights. eventually I'd like to get a 150 gal tank and put my corals in that but for right now I'm going to use the 29


Active Member
it depends on what kind of corals u r thinking of having. clam w that lighting is iffy at best. but again depending on what kind of clam. try to post more info.
I'm not really sure what kind its a real pretty teal green and some blue. and i have a kenya tree and a frogspawn and rose BTA and mushrooms and bubble coral thats trying to come back


Go on to the reef geek and there are lots of bulbs you can order or if you know a friend who has a bunch they might let you try.


Active Member
Novas really aren't that great, as they don't have individual reflectors. I think they have Nova reflector kits available to add-on, which are always an option.
ATI, GE, and Geisemann bulbs have the best par.
on my 90 I have 2 x 250 halides and 2 x super actinic vho. i was thinking of takeing one of the 250 halides off but i would have to get my husband to make a canopy for the 29 which could be an option. I guess that would be enough light for anything woudn't it
I don't think that i can take one of my 250 off causee both are run by one ballast i wa looking on reefgeek and they have a 10000 k aquasun ( it says promotes coral growth) and a 6000K midday sun which says promotes coral growth which would be better and should i replace 2 of the bulbs and leave the actinic or replace all 4 with one of these or do 2 10000 and 2 6000


I think the 6000k might look yellowish. 10000k is the lowest I'd go. But either way, I don't think you could grow the type of clam you're talking about under vho's. The derasa clams, which are more tan/brown stripey, but still really beautiful, can grow under moderate lighting. The blue crocea clams pretty much require halides. I really want a crocea clam too, but I can't have one. Going to try a derasa soon.
ok thanks everyone for your help i guess i can just leave the clam in the 90 with the lion until i get my big tank. but the other things i mentioned woul be ok if i got 2 other 10 or 14 k's and replaced the actinic ones that would mak 4 bulbs