T-5s in 20g tall Clams? Which corals?


Active Member
What corals can go under T-5's in a 20g? They are two 24w bulbs one antic and one 10kk bulb. Can clams go under there?


Active Member
Yes you can keep clams and coral under T5, but two 24 W bulbs will not be enough for clams. Softies will be fine, and most LPS would be fine higher up.


A clam would be ok providing you have individual reflectors and good bulbs as well as placing the clam very near the surface which isnt always easy. With only 2 bulbs I would look into replacing the actinic with a ATI blue plus bulb to squeeze out some more good light,or give up the actinic entirely.


Active Member
Ok. I'm asking this because of Lil' Tanker and he wanted a clam, but I think he'll settle for just corals, considering he can have whatever he wants,


Active Member
I was cleaning the lights, and I think they got reflectors! Does that mean thee can be a clam? What if he changed the antic bulb for something else?