T3D 20 Gallon Long


looken' good T3D...
o.k- first off, im not much of an Aquarist "yet", so what I say, probably wont coincide with the more accomplished reefers here...but!, let me give it a shot. Just dont take what I have to say as "the word" :)
your sand looks like it might be going through a begining stage of Detritus, but from what I have read so far...this is to be expected (to some degree) and should just be looked at as a progression of your cycle...?
as far as your protien skimmer vs. skilter....def. hook that bad boy (skimmer) up and get it running...cant hurt anything as far as I know.
about using your other filters...this might be contrary to others but from what I have gathered you cant have too much skimming, and likewise cant have too much filtering.
make sense? I hope so...maybe the more inclined will chime in for you and help you out.
otherwise...i think your doing great and I hope to see your tank looking even better soon :cheer:


I think vejomatic meant to say diatoms (detritus is poop)
as for a clean up crew I would get
5 Nassarius snails ( for the sand)
4 mexican turbo snails ( for glass and rocks )
1 scarlett cleaner shrimp
5 blueleg hermits
1 emerald crab
3 scarlett hermits
1 or 2 other cool hermits
any way some might say that is a little much and some might say that its not enough
but thats just me :D


thanks for all the replies and suggestions, but I read them after i got back from the store! I picked up 3 turbo snails. Here are some more pics
And i tried to hook that anonymous skimmerup, but it was too big! I cleaned out the skilter and its putting out foam, and bubbls in the tank, for now



Did water test today
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 0 - 5
II've also noticed some purple leave growing( with blue highlights). Any idea what this is. Also have some yellow leaves growing :help:


Ok so my ammonia and nitrites are at 0 and my nitrates are at 5. Are Water changes necessary if the water parameters are good?


yes. to replenish the minerals and all that good stuff that is in new water that has been used by your system in the tank already


Wow i just found my old thread. My tank is going strong. I still have the skilter going, but with only live rock rubble. I have a crocea clam and some pink zoos. I will try to put up pics tonight. I have that neon green algaie and pink algae groing in some spots of my front glass. My magnet cleaner isnt doing the job. Is there a better scraper that I could get to rid the front glass of coraline? ThankS!


Wow found it again!
So i have just upgraded to Tek T5 Light 4x24watts a 25 gallon bowfront tanks with stand. And i now have a digital camera.
But unfortunaly after trying the 6500K light bulb for coral growth hair algae bloomed! I have reverted back to 2 10K bulbs (UVI) and 2 actinic blue plus(GE)
Just picked up 3 turbo snails and a remora nano skimmer.
Will update so anyone can see progress

Same clownfish since the start of the tank...they really are hardy they've been through alot


Do you think 3 snails and remora will help rid all that algae I have?
I tried phosphate banner with stocking for 2 days but it didnt go away.
I dont have RO water but have the DI tap water filter (which was $30 online vs $75 from pet**)


if your not using RO you will more then likly always be fighting w/ alge blooms! also if you dont have enough flow that could be a problem! on a side note looking at your full tank shot you really should put the pre filter on those powerheads befor they suck up one of your fish!


Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
if your not using RO you will more then likly always be fighting w/ alge blooms! also if you dont have enough flow that could be a problem! on a side note looking at your full tank shot you really should put the pre filter on those powerheads befor they suck up one of your fish!
i used to use that, but i have these fish for almost 3 years without it. Hopefully that wont happen.
RO filters are so expensive for a nano tank. Maybe i will begin buying the water at walmart.
The snails have worked one side of the tank, so they are mowing down the algae.


Another year with new corals. Still using my Tek System T5 Lighting 2 Geissman Actinic Light, 6500, and a aqua blue +. Here are a few pics...
Some of these corals I received from my LFS that are called 'nano corals' for about $10. I hope they grow. The bubble coral was added today, do you think its too close to my anchor coral? I dont want to move the bubble yet since it was just placed...dont wanna add to much stress



Active Member
i started with a 20gal long tank too! i loved it! her is what it looked like.

i had all those under 2x25watt t5's
then i upgraded to a 30gal. i like it much better because there is more room to aqua scape. but sadly i have an algae problem. it is growing every where.