T5 Bulb Replacement Question


I am running 6 60" T5s in my canopy with Ice Cap ballasts. The ballasts allegedly overdrive the bulbs, and I was wondering what type of life expectancy I can get from the bulbs. I have had them in place for 6-7 months and I am having some cyano and algae issues, and my corals don't seem to be doing real well. I was wondering if it was time to do a bulb replacement?


You should replace your bulbs. Ice Caps on T5's cut the life of the bulbs almost in half with how much they overdrive them. A large part of it is what bulbs you're running, some can handle the Ice Cap a little more than others.


Originally Posted by jmart64
I am running 6 60" T5s in my canopy with Ice Cap ballasts. The ballasts allegedly overdrive the bulbs, and I was wondering what type of life expectancy I can get from the bulbs. I have had them in place for 6-7 months and I am having some cyano and algae issues, and my corals don't seem to be doing real well. I was wondering if it was time to do a bulb replacement?
Cyano shouldn't have anything (or much) to do with your bulbs being old. This is more of a flow issue and how much you're feeding. Since your coral are not doing well, can you post your water parameters, stock list, CUC, etc.


The tank is a 125 with an EV 180 skimmer, phosphate reactor, live rock (100 lbs or so), 3 of the bulbs (1 ATI Blue Plus, 1 Aquablue Special, 1 Pure Actinic) are on for 2 hours then the next 3 (Blue Plus, Aquablue Special, Fiji Purple) for 4 hours, then the first 3 for another 2 hours; here is the stock list (as best I can because I'm not sure about the names on some of the corals :)
Fish (all seem very healthy):
1 Emp Angel (sm-med)
1 Purple Tang (sm-med)
3 Clowns (1 sm, 2 med)
1Coris Wrasse (sm)
1 Algae Blennie (med)
1 sm anthia and 1 sm green chromis (their buddies have passsed on)
3 anemones (1 long tentacle and 2 BTAs)
Corals (all are pretty small):
1 Finger Leather
1 Torch Coral
1 Millepora
1 Acropora
1 Montepora
1 Birds Nest
some mushrooms and some star polyps
Water parameters:
Nitrate near 0
Phosphates near 0
Kh around 7-8 (I'm trying to bring it up)
Mag around 1200 (also trying to bring that up)
Sal 1.026
Temp 79-80


Cyano is usually caused by poor water movement or overfeeding or a combo of the two. I really don't think it's your lighting.


Forgot CUC:
2 Cleaner Shrimp
12-15 various snails
3-4 Nassarius Snails
2 conchs (don't remember the type)
2 tiger tail cucumbers
1 pencil urchin
I just removed a large spiny urchin because he was knocking stuff over


Originally Posted by jmart64
Forgot CUC:
2 Cleaner Shrimp
12-15 various snails
3-4 Nassarius Snails
2 conchs (don't remember the type)
2 tiger tail cucumbers
1 pencil urchin
I just removed a large spiny urchin because he was knocking stuff over
Definitely think it's a water flow issue more than anything else. Try to siphon out as much as you can and the CUC should be able to catch up, this is the only thing that ever works for me. Feed a little less for a few days as well.


I only feed every couple of days and don't overfeed. I have 1 Koralia 4 in there with my 2 return nozzles. Maybe I'll add another Koralia?
Thanks for your help