T5 Bulb Selection


I have a 4x54w T5 fixture (individual reflectors).
It came with 2 actnics and 2 daylights at 10000k.
I accidentally replaced the 10000k that went out with a 28w one (wondered why the coral's growth slowed down!) and now the other 10000k bulb went out. This seems like an opportunity to upgrade my setup - my priorities are:
1. Health of corals, fish, inverts (I have a frogspawn and some zoos).
2. Appearance
I've read conflicting views on whether 10000k is the best for corals or if I shold put in one 18000k or find a 6500k daylight (I thought 6500k was actnic only? I guess I don't know as much about lighting as I thought I did...).
Basically, what is my ideal setup for the 4 bulbs to make my corals happy?


Originally Posted by MaxSmart
I have a 4x54w T5 fixture (individual reflectors).
It came with 2 actnics and 2 daylights at 10000k.
I accidentally replaced the 10000k that went out with a 28w one (wondered why the coral's growth slowed down!) and now the other 10000k bulb went out. This seems like an opportunity to upgrade my setup - my priorities are:
1. Health of corals, fish, inverts (I have a frogspawn and some zoos).
2. Appearance
I've read conflicting views on whether 10000k is the best for corals or if I shold put in one 18000k or find a 6500k daylight (I thought 6500k was actnic only? I guess I don't know as much about lighting as I thought I did...).
Basically, what is my ideal setup for the 4 bulbs to make my corals happy?
max what kind of tank do you have? gallons and stuff. im just wondering cuz i am looking at that same light fixture and i want to have a few corals. mainly the zoo's and forgspawn, manybe a xena. just wanted to see how your liked the light.
pics would be cool too


Active Member
65k is very yellow, but will give u more growth. it might even contribute to bad algae growth. go with 10k and actinic for sure.


Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
max what kind of tank do you have? gallons and stuff. im just wondering cuz i am looking at that same light fixture and i want to have a few corals. mainly the zoo's and forgspawn, manybe a xena. just wanted to see how your liked the light.
pics would be cool too

I have a 72gal bowfront with megaflow and custom sump. I had very good success with my previous light until it kept blowing ballasts. My new light also blew a ballast, causing me to think maybe I have an electrical problem. (I actually suspect my paper shredder is causing power surges!) I replaced the ballast, now I have it changed from its original 2xactnic,2x10000K setup - I've got 2xactnic, 1x10000k, 1x18000k. When I had the original setup, it was pretty good - I liked the way the old light looked better, but my wife insisted the new light looked "like a city aquarium". I don't know how to describe it, it was sort of an artificial glow. Honestly, between the broken balasts and urchins wrecking havoc on the corals, I can't tell what works well yet. If I didn't have a bowfront, I would have gone with the 8-bulb version for sure. (with individual reflectors) I was stuck with 4-bulb versions because bowfronts have very limited space on top for lights